What Is the Future of AI in HR?
Augmented Intelligence or Human Replacements?
Augmented Intelligence
Augmented intelligence is a machine learning concept that refers to the collaborative partnership between humans and artificial intelligence to enhance human aptitude and efficiency. Supporters of augmented intelligence argue that AI is not designed to replace human intelligence, but rather to supplement it. The future of AI in HR may look exactly like the augmented intelligence model. AI technology provides valuable insights into large pools of data that human intelligence alone would have a difficult time processing and analyzing. As the future of big data becomes more of a reality, industry experts believe that AI recruiting tools will help companies manage people analytics more effectively. With the combination of AI technology and human intelligence, cognitive performance and decision-making skills are intended to improve, which can result in more strategic sourcing and recruiting practices in HR. Augmented intelligence spans multiple industries. Nevertheless, the opportunities potentially available for recruiters in HR through the power of machine learning are impressive.
Human Replacements
Despite the promising solutions that AI recruiting tools propose to companies, questions remain about whether artificial intelligence will replace human employees in the workplace. Machine learning algorithms are designed to replicate human intelligence yet eliminate the prejudice and bias of human opinion. Some critics of machine learning find this feature to be a gray area. AI technology can develop patterns of potential bias as witnessed in cases where job candidates have been unfairly evaluated by machine learning algorithms based on their age and/or gender. An increase in AI technology and robotic automation has also been linked to job loss, especially in the manufacturing industry. Human skills that once kept companies functioning are no longer needed since more specialized expertise is required to operate and maintain robotic machines that have automated routine tasks. Industry experts consider this shift to be the beginning of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, but not all observers are convinced that the automation of business processes will be beneficial for the job market.
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Do you think the future of AI in HR will involve Augmented Intelligence or Human Replacements?
Moving Forward
Next Steps for Recruiters and Job Seekers
Stay Informed of New Discoveries
It is important to keep up to date with new discoveries in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Remaining knowledgeable about recent developments can help recruiters and job seekers better understand how business is evolving and what features companies may be implemented to maximize efficiency in the workplace. A source that provides coverage on advancements in AI and machine learning is Medium. The online publishing platform offers a diverse range of articles on AI that can keep anyone informed on the topic.
Test Different AI Software
One of the best ways to learn about a particular topic is to experience it firsthand. Many companies have already started integrating AI software into their ATS, which means that recruiters have an opportunity to utilize the technology and discover its advantages and disadvantages. In regards to job seekers, attempt a digitized interview or speak with a recruiter chatbot to understand how the hiring process is changing because of AI technology. The skills required for a virtual versus in-person interview are different so it is important to explore both.
Collect Feedback
To understand how AI software is altering business processes, it is necessary to collect feedback from both recruiters and job seekers. AI technology is changing the everyday tasks that recruiters are responsible for. It is also redesigning the hiring process, which means job seekers are being evaluated in a different way. Surveying recruiters and job seekers about their experience with AI technology in the talent acquisition process is a step towards addressing potential pitfalls and acknowledging what has been successful.
Continue the Conversation
Continuing the conversation about artificial intelligence and machine learning in HR will ensure that people become more aware of the changes occurring in the hiring process and business at large. Discourse is necessary for AI to gain greater visibility in the public. It is important for both the successes and failures of AI to be examined so that progress can be made in the field. Whether an advocate or a critic of AI, engaging in dialogue with colleagues and friends can lead to new modes of thought and opinion.